If you’re just starting the home buying or refinancing process, you may have a lot of questions and stress about the financing part. One of the questions may be whether you should choose a direct mortgage lending company, a mortgage broker, or a bank to process your loan.


If you're in the market for a new home, chances are you’re daydreaming about all the new memories you want to make. Backyard BBQs with friends, the new kitchen you’re going to put in  the opportunities are endless. Looking for a new home can be a lot of fun. The financing part on the other hand,...


If you have hopes of trading your rental for a home of your own, you may be feeling the weight of saving for what will likely be one of the largest purchases in your lifetime. Perhaps even worse, if you’re stuck living at your parent's house, you’re probably wishing you could have this money saved...


A down payment can be one of the greatest challenges to home ownership. Even if you were looking for a home in a modestly-priced market, saving 20% for a down payment can add up to over tens of thousands of dollars easily. This coupled with closing and moving costs alone can make your goal of...


If you’re a renter that’s interested in buying a home, or a homeowner considering whether renting would make more sense for your life circumstances, chances are you have evaluated the costs, benefits, and cons of owning versus renting your home. There are many advantages to both and making the...